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53 878. "Telegram." MO. MIL.DIV. [left margin] August 26, 1872. Lieut. General Sheridan, Chicago, Ills.

                          Dispatch just received from MacKenzie, seventh instant, at Las Cunaditas, near Fort Sumner. He struck a large wagon and cattle trail and has followed it across the Staked Plains and will find where it terminates.  He may have to order purchase of supplies.  Will you give orders for their prompt payment.
                                                                                                  (Sgd)   C. C. Augur

2506.D.T.'72 Brigadier General _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 881. MERRIAM, [left margin] August 27. 1872. Major H. C. Merriam, 24th Infantry, Commanding Fort Duncan, Tex. Major:

             In reply to your letter of the 22nd. inst., I am instructed by the Commanding General to say, that should Kow-Sott, the Pottawatomie Chief, apply to you for transportation and rations for the purpose of visiting the Reservation of his Nation in the Indian Territory, with a view of arranging the return of his people to that country, you will furnish him as far as this point.
             You can say to him that transportation and rations will be furnished him from this point to the Agency of his people.  
             You should first ascertain yourself, that the man is acting in good faith, and that there is really a desire and the part of himself and people, to return to their people.  He can take one of his friends with him, if he desires it.  Some reliable person should be sent with them.
                                                                                  I am, very respectfully
                                                                                         Your obdt. servant
                                                                                      (Sgd)  J. A. Augur

2511& 2518 D. T. '72. Actg. Asst. Adjutant General _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 887. DODGE, [left margin] August 28. 1872. General G. M. Dodge, Chief Engineer Texas Pacific R. R. Dear General:

                               I have the honor to enclose you a bill of arms, ammunition and equipments, issued at your request, as per telegram