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52 868. SCHOFIELD [left margin] August 23. 1872. Major G. W. Schofield, 10" Cavalry, Commanding Fort Sill, I. T. Major:
I am instructed by the Commanding General to acknowledge the receipt of your remarks upon Colonel Grierson's endorsement, complaining of disregard of his orders and instructions, and to inform you, that the same are considered satisfactory, also to state, that the does not think it advisable to refer the matter any further. Very respectfully, Your obdt servant (Sgd) J. A. Augur Actg. Asst. Adjutant General
______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 873. WARD & CO. [left margin] August 24. 1872. Messrs. Ward, Dewey & Co. Huntsville, Texas. Gentlemen:
I am directed to make, if possible, an arrangement with the authorities controlling the Penitentiary at Huntsville, Tex., by which the military prisoners of this Department may be sent during period of their sentence for confinement and usual prison discipline. The Enclosed copy of a letter from Governor Davis shows, that such an arrangement can be legally made, and that your firm is the party, with whom it should be made. Will you be good enough to inform me, upon what terms you will receive military prisoners of this Department, and board, clothe and in every way provide for them during their period of confinement. It is observed, that some military prisoners are in your Penitentiary; will you at the same time inform me, under what arrangements they were received, what were the terms, and by whom are you paid for them. I am, very respectfully Your obdt. servant (Sgd) C. C. Augur
1 Enclosure Brigadier General, U.S.A.