in the midst of bullets from the beginning to the end of the battle, I can account for only by supposing that it was necessary to my destiny that I should endure what I am now suffering, in order that my entire country may see how great my power of endurance which I have never before boasted of, is for it. In the battle I had the extreme left of our position, & every man of my Brigade went into action & as far as I saw, did his utmost, The 6th Maine Battery, Capt. Robertson, was the only Artillery I had & was the first part of my brigade to open, & well he played his part. I am mistaken, it was second. The first was Capt. Pitcher's battalion of 8th & 12th regular infantry (6 companies) which was thrown forward in front of the brigade as skirmishers. Their part I have occasion to know excited the admiration of the enemy, who inquired if they were not regulars, as they had "never seen such skirmishing." They were out during the whole battle & penetrated even to the enemy's position, & annoyed them so as to turn the alteration of his guns away from more distant firing, with shot & shell & cause them to waste canisters upon the ground of the skirmishers. In addition to those named my brigade consisted of four battalions of infantry, The 111th Regt of Penn ? comm. by Maj. Walker & 3rd regt. of Maryland ? comm. by Col. De Witt, composed my right wing. The 109th