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we have had a great many deaths among aged people this spring. God has been very good in giving me no heavy anxiety about dear Mama, others I have had to watch carefully, with fear & trembling often! - I though of going to London for my Easter holidays but find I cannot get away very easily! - I am glad to find you are pretty well. how nice for you to have cousin Mary with you. Uncle speaks very highly of her, in fact of you all. I feel as if Steven got better since he was over. I am very sorry Alexander is such a sufferer, we enjoyed his visit to Wales so much. I have not written to Ella since her marriage. I have often intended to do so, for she wrote me some nice letters before, one reason I had was not knowing her address. you will say that was a very poor excuse! My Rhyl cousins are well. I was there a fortnight ago. Accept our warmest love & sympathy for you all, & we shall be glad to hear from you Your affectionate Cousin unclear Williams

Give our united love to our relatives, each & all, should you be writing at any time to them