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Ap. 22/87 New York Dear Cousin Jane

   Your verry kind letter of invitation, for me to come and vissit you next summer came to hand safe. I feel exceedingly thankfull to you for your kindness in writting to me. I must say you are the first that has done (of relations) or taken the least notice of me since my arrival in America. how happy I was when reading your letter that there was one of the few relations I have in this country who thought of me, but not think only but to give such a warm invitation, by the impulse of the moment in reading your letter I could easily decide in the wright way. that is to come up next summer to see you and enjoy your company for a few days. but reason argues with the feeling. bussiniss bussiniss - It would do me good to get a little change instead of being in the City from the first of January to the last of December a few days of rambling in the fields of Remsen would be more beneficial to me than a waggon load full of Townsend Sarsapharila or Huttch sons vegetable dyspepsia Bitters, "without health life is a burthen." 
  Now to Review your letter. You mention in the commencement of your letter a  hope that I would not turn a deaf ear to your request. I would consider any more