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Plainfield Center Ny. Apr 27/80 Miss Jenny Everett, Yours of the 25 is rec & in reply I will say I will do all I can to help sell your Dear Father's Cofiant but I must say the prospect does not look at all flaterring the times has been so very bad on these farmers that they do not buy anything that they do not actualy need Mr Davies sent me 20 of Mr M Roberts Cofiant but I have failed to sell one of one them but there were several things combined that hurt the sale of that & some of them will not effect the sale of your fathers In fact I think I must sell some of Dr Everett cofiant here I will call at the Deych? Office for a few to commence with when I go to Utica which will be soon but I think it will be best not to introduce them just now for there is no money in circulation that is not much yet but as soon as checks from the milk begin to come I will do all I can Kind remembrance to you & your sisters from us both hastily H. R. Wms.