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1794 WD 11 mo. 3. 4 considering of it, you have any reply to make will hear you.

Comr.  Brothers, I confess that I expected you would have agreed to my proposals; but as that is not the Case, I will give it up, only reserving the road to fort Schlosser to Buffalo Creek, there has been mutual condescension which is the best way to settle business, there are yet several matters to be attended to before signing the treaty, which I can best communicate to some of your Chiefs, as it would not be convenient among so great a number, viz. how the Goods & Annuity had best be appropriated, and as there are some bad people both among you & us, it would be well to fix some mode of settling disputes in case of difference between individuals, as soon as some of your Chiefs & I have discussed a plan, we can introduce it into the public Council, I therefore invite 2 Sachems & 2 Warriors of the Senecas.

in margin: deflection

  Having visited a sick Indian Woman who lay exposed in a cold Cabbin, and being myself this night comfortably accommodated in a warm Bed, I was lead to sympathise with the Natives in their exposed Situation, and faith arose that if this subject should claim the attention of our religious society to form a plan for their Civilization & improvement, similar to the Care of the Abolition Society for the Africans, that there are many charitable well disposed Persons who would cheerfully contribute toward the raising a fund for this purpose, whereby the present Generation may be greatly relieved, & their Children fitted to become useful members of Civil Society, the introduction of spirituous Liquors among them discouraged, & they more & more qualified to resist the Temptation, the baneful effects of which I have sorrowfully seen at this & former treaties, and my earnest desire is, that the subject may be taken up under the direction of best Wisdom