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Now I will tell you a little about myself, egotism isnt it? I am middle sized, very dark and cross looking looking quite true, I assure you. I am 24 past last June and feel old age creeping on apace. I send you my carte to confirm all I have said. I have som standing position, but as I both too much my natural expression, cross, I send you this one, although all tell me I look very matronly in it Now I will tell you a little about my cousins. As you are of course aware Uncle N. lives in Rosa, with his son, a young man almost 25, and one daughter, cousin Bess, a merry, black eyed, happy, kind, lovable girl, about my own age - she is a good daughter - a good sister - and a good housekeeper! of a most unselfish disposition her great aim being to make all around her happy. You would have a warm welcome to Rosa if you came. Her sister is married very happily to a farmer in the neighborhood. They are both very pretty if that is any consequence in your eyes in America! Uncle J.'s daughters live in Rhyl except the eldest Elisabeth, she is married in the town, and has one little girl, the most lively