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house now. Arthur has been very sick this summer so that he did not dare to go to sleep for days for fear of choking to death and has suffered a great deal but is much better now. I sometimes fear that even the climate of Santa Barbara will not be able to cure his disease or to prolong his life very long. Frank has been very well till lately, he had an attack of rheumatism. He had it once in Lewiston. It is in his left shoulder and deprives him of the use of that arm while it lasts. It is acute rheumatism and is very painful. I am glad that he is with Arthur and not among strangers. We have all been very well here. We have Mrs Parks come one half day every week and she washes the clothes mops the kitchen floor and sweeps some carpet. Don't you think she is smart. Then I do the rest of the work through the week. We have a young man rooming in the south chambers, Mr Belden, he is a