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would love to meet you here, and many others whom I do not see - If you cannot come, please send underlined: Mary to us. Lizzie Martin wishes very much to see her, and so do many others beside myself. Please give my love to that dear sister of yours, also to your new sister Sarah C Everett. Is not Mary coming back underlined: this year? I supposed she was. and have often heard the inquiry "Where is Mary Everett?" The Seminary is underlined: full - so full, that there are no vacant beds, rooms, or seats at table. The number of pupils underlined: exceeds 270, and all have not yet arrived - More than one hundred old scholars have returned, some who were not here last year - the remainder, are strangers to the duties and enjoyment of Holyoke life - Miss Johnson has left her post here and gone to teach the young ladies among the underlined: Cherokees. For teachers, we have Miss Chapin, Miss Scott, Miss Jessup, Miss Tolman, Miss Gilbert, Miss Emily Scott, Miss Adelia Walker, Miss Phinney, Miss Sarah Start, Miss Spofford (pardon my naming her, underlined: after the rest,) and Miss Shattuck - The Latin and French teachers, have not arrived - I forgot to mention Miss Elizabeth Titcomb - I must not omit to say, that a great improvement has been made during vacation - under the management of Dea, Safford, Mr Hawks and Miss Chapin. By means of a large water wheel, and other machinery, water is forced from a well near the brook, into pipes which carry it, not only underlined: into, but underlined: all over the Seminary building - The old cisterns are taken away, and, in their stead, are convenient water closets, with bathing rooms &c, &c - By means of a large furnace in the "Dom Hall", part of this vast quantity of soft water, is heated, and we can obtain water, cold or hot, in any story, without descending any stairs - You cannot think howunderlined: great these improvements appear, to us, who have carried water from the "boiling room" to the "fourth story" so many times - Would you like to know that "106" is occupied by two new scholars, and your friend Nellie Partridge? I like my tenement very much.