pleasure and enjoyment as the county would afford. Trappers and Sailors are similar in regard to the money that they earn so dearly strikethrough daily /strikethrough bing ^[daily] in danger of loosing [sic] their strikethrough life /strikethrough ^[lives]. But when the voyage has been made ^[and they have received] their pay they ^[do not] think strikethrough not /strikethrough of the hardships and dangers through which they have passed ^[they] Spend all they have and are ready for another trip. In all probability ^[they] have to be furnished with all that is necessary for their outfit.
In the fall of 1830 I found the party under Fitzpatrick ^[bound] for the Rocky Mountains on a trapping expedition. We trapped to the head of the Sweetwater strikethrough and /strikethrough there on to Green River and then to Jackson's hole a strikethrough branch /strikethrough ^[fork] of the Columbia river and from there on to the head of ^[the] Salmon River then we came to the camp of a part of our band that we had been hunting ^[for] then we went into winter quarters on the head of ^[the] Salmon River. During ^[the] winter we lost some four or five men strikethrough when /strikethrough ^[who were] out hunting ^[for] buffalo they were Killed by the Blackfoot Indians. In April of 1831 we commenced in our hunt again. We trapped back on to Bear River the principal Stream that empties into the Great Salt Lake, strikethrough there /strikethrough ^[and travelled] on to Green River, we strikethrough then /strikethrough found a party of trapper ^[there] under charge of Mr. Sinclair. They ^[had] left Taos, shortly after we had, strikethrough they /strikethrough and had wintered on the little Bear River a branch of ^[the] Green. They told me that [Capt. Gaunt ?] was in the strikethrough Parks /strikethrough [here?] Park ^[and] that he strikethrough and party /strikethrough had wintered near the Laramie ^[River]. I wished to join strikethrough his party /strikethrough ^[them]. Four ous left strikethrough the /strikethrough ^[our] party and Struck out in search of strikethrough Gaunt /strikethrough ^[him and] in ten days strikethrough we /strikethrough found