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About dark Young and ^[his] party found me. The next day we departed and pursued nearly the same route by which we came and in nine days strikethrough we arrived on /strikethrough ^[reached the banks of] the Colorado. Two days after our arrival strikethrough on the Colorado /strikethrough at least five hundred Indian warriors came to our camp. They pretended friendship, but strikethrough a such large numbers coming /strikethrough ^[as they had come in such numbers] we mistrusted them and closely watched their maneuvers, we discovered when they had their weapons concealed and then it became apparent to us that their design was to murder the party. There were but few of us in camp, the greater number being out visiting their traps. I considered the safest way to act was not to let the Indians know of our strikethrough mistrust /strikethrough ^[suspicions] and to strikethrough act in /strikethrough ^[assume] a [fearless?] manner. One of the Indians could speak Spanish I directed him to state to the strikethrough Indians /strikethrough ^[rest] that they must leave our camp inside of ten minutes. If one should be found after the expiration of that time he would be shot. Before strikethrough the expiration of /strikethrough the ten minutes ^[were up] every one had left. We trapped down the South Side of ^[the} Colorado River to tide water without any further molestation, and up the North Side to the mouth of the Gila, then up the Gila to rear the mouth of ^[the] Sand Pedro. Near the mouth of the San Pedro, we saw a large herd of animals, horses etc we knew there were Indians near, and not having forgot^[ten] the damages those Same Indians ^[had] done ^[us} we concluded to deprive them of their Stock. We strikethrough damaged /strikethrough ^[attacked] their camp, They fled and we took possession of the^[ir] animals. We same evening we heard a noise, something like the Sound of distant thunder, we sprung for our arms, and sallied out to reconoiter [sic]. ^[We] discovered a party of Indians driving