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over country similar to that which we strikethrough travelled /strikethrough ^[had traversed] before our arrival at strikethrough to /strikethrough the last water. strikethrough Then was not any /strikethrough ^[no] water ^[was] to be found during ^[all] this time and we suffered extremely on account of it. On the fourth day we arrived on the Colorado of the West- below the great canon. strikethrough It /strikethrough ^[Our joy] can be better imagined strikethrough our joy /strikethrough than described when we discovered the ^[great] stream. We had ^[also] suffered greatly for want of food, we met a party of the Mohavi sic Indians and purchased of them a mare heavy with strikethrough foal The /strikethrough ^[?], the strikethrough arrival /strikethrough mare was killed, and eaten by the party with great gusto even to the foal? was devoured. ^[Then] we strikethrough encamped /strikethrough ^[encamped] on the banks of the Colorado three days recruiting our animals and trading for provisions with the Indians ^[from whom] we procured strikethrough of them /strikethrough a few beans & ^[some] corn. We took a South Western course & in ^[a] three days march strikethrough we /strikethrough struck the ^[dried up] bed of a stream which was on the coast range ?] a Southeast ^[on] course and is lost in the Sands of the great basin. We proceeded up the ^[bed of the] stream for six days strikethrough no /strikethrough ^[and] two days after our arrival on strikethrough the stream we /strikethrough ^[it we again] found water. We then strikethrough left the stream /strikethrough ^[changed our route] and strikethrough travelled /strikethrough ^[journeyed] in a Western direction and in four days strikethrough arrived at /strikethrough ^[came in sight of] the mission of San Gabriel. At the mission strikethrough there was /strikethrough ^[we found] one priest, fifteen soldiers and about one thousand Indians. They had about 80,000 head of stock, fine fields and barnyards, in fact strikethroughof were /strikethrough ^[lived in a] paradise on earth. We remained one day at the mission, received good treatment strikethrough of /strikethrough ^[from] the inhabitants and purchased strikethrough of them /strikethrough what beef we required. We had nothing but butcher knives to trade and for four They ^[of these knives they] would give ^[us] a beef