Houston for the defense of the place. I have to take the precaution of sleeping with my horse to save him.
4 Left Nashville, travelled 18 miles to Mr. Robinsons. If all the frontier possessed the heart of this man we should not hear of so many indian depredations. His own rifle & three of his sons are always in order - this the indians know & keep at a respectful distance. 5. Travelled 30 miles to Hill's. 6. Travelled 12 miles to Dix's. Passed through Independence. 7th unclear Washington. 13. Left Washington. 6 miles to White [[unclear[[ 14th to seven Retreat 14 miles: 16 to Robertsons. 16 miles to Donahoe's. 3 miles to Graves? 16 to Roberts?. 16th. Travel 33 miles to Houston. This town is only one year & a half old& contains 3500 inhabitants; it publishes two news papers; has a theatre; 20 or 30 commercial houses and does a good business. Its continued prosperity is the best commentary upon its advantageous location between unclear & Galveston. And the two fine steam buckets? running between that place & New Orleans give a weekly communication with the U. States.