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unclear, before Fannins battle ground 10 miles below the town. Encamped on the Coleto.

14. Twelve miles to Victoria. It is apparent unclear terra? on the banks of the Guadalupe & 30 miles from the mouth of the river. 15. Travelled thirty miles, reaching the La Vaca, 16. unclear our journey up the La Vaca - travel 26 miles. The country fine & population good. 17. Travel ten miles. 18. Travel 16 miles. 19 at unclear arrived at Lagrage. 25th. Travel 18 miles, stopping on Cummings? creek, leaving my old friend Peter Muly to graze on the prairies of La Grange, having purchased an American horse. Here is a white [[sulphur spring. The land is rich & well watered. 27 Travelled to Independence. 29. on road to Nashville through a post? oak country, with but occasional fertile spots. Buffalo in abundance. 31. Arrive at Nashville. Saw good crops, fruit, water melons, &c- This unclear is situated in the heart of a beautiful country on the west side of the Brazos, about three miles below the mouth of Little? river & about 65 miles from Washington.

It is one of the finest situations in Texas, but the exposed situation of the frontier has heretofore presented