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We find travellers at every watering place waiting for company, being afraid to travel the road alone on account of Indians & Mexicans . Travel 26 miles.

12. Our company now amounts to twenty persons. 10. am alarms of indians. We immediately took possession of a small grove of timber preparatory for action. But the indians thinking our company too large, dispersed. The Country through which we are travelling is very fine. Passed the spot where Col Karnes? & five others, were attacked by 15 Mexicans four days since, but escaped unhurt. 5 unclear reached Goliad. The town is about deserted. Col Morehead? is encamped here with 150 men Keeping a watch for mexicans.

13. unclear the Fort, which is a heap of ruins; destroyed by Fannin? a few days before his own capture to prevent it falling into the hands of the enemy. This has been urged by some of the Mexican officers as an excuse for the wholesale battery? or masacure?, the Mexicans call it "execution?" of himself & four hundred men four days after they had surrendered by virtue of an honorable unclear.

This unclear murder has placed a barrier between the two races. But was in some measure unclear revenged on the field of San Jacinto.