94 souldiers were imployed some to scout with Leiut Richardson upon the borders of merimake to watch the motions of the eastern enimy, others were sent to keepe garison, in the east parts as cocheco, york, wells & black point; others were sent with a smal army to black point where 8 of them were slaine as is before hinted; In 7ber september 1677 the mohawks or maquas (contrary to their promise & agreement), came downe in smaull parties among the prayng indians & put them into great trouble; A pty of the maquas tooke two widow women captive beeing at Hassamesit (one of their plantations) to make or fetch cider, the same ply of mahaks or another came down with them halfe a mile of an english house belonging to Sudbury & murdered a very honest indian named Josiah Nowell; who was going to his cyldwr : this man had a wife & 4 small children, his Bro. In law James Speen (a very pious man) parted from him not halfe an houre before he was slaind Apointing to meet him at a place designated; but the came not & his Brother holowed for him, yet not withstanding the the maques met not this man but God preservd him, The english sent forth to pursue these maquas with some other Indians, but they could not out take them. But the maquas caried the captives through Hadly some few days after & shewd the scaple of the man slaine, to the english at Hadly ^ who would willingly have redemed the squas but could not prevaild with the maquas to let them goe; about this time viz 1677 in september 1677 our praying indians that lived at Natick built up their forts & the like which they did at pakemit, In this month of September