87 had befel his wife, sister; & the company; & desired order & some help of English men two or three at least to goe & search for them, which beeing (so reasonable a Request was granted); so he went forth & searchd a day, or two, but could not find them at last having procured about 15 or 16 indians & 2 English they made a more strickt search at last found the dead bodyes, not farr from one another cruelly murdered som shot throw, others their brains beat out with Hatchets; to be short his murder was afterward discovrd, and the fower murderers seased tryed & condemned & two of the fower were executed & the other two pardoned by the general court, this murder was very much decryed by all good men & it was some satisfaction that some of them were made examples. I know the murderies murderers pretended a law to warrant the act but the Juries & Judges were not of their mind in the matter. I know there are some among the English that have a very ill conceit of all the Indians & wil not admitt them so much charity] as to think any of them are sober or honest. First I shall leave to the Lord, word crossed out desiring hee will give them more charity & root out of their harts the spirit of Enmity & animosity And it is probable that some persons will not bee wanting to callumniate our Ch[ris]tian Indians & object that not withstanding all that hath said on their behalfe, yet they are hipocrites and wicked men, & wil be frequintly drunke & comitt other lewdnes, to this I shall answer in few words. I have good ground to beelive that severall of them are sincere but I do not say they are all such. And I have not affirmed for my owne country men: that there are no hipocrites or evil doers among them; I will & pray, that both English & Indians were all Better than I feare they are, tis not my work