77 some: made application, to the Council to arm & send forth, a company of the the ch[ris]tian Indians that were at Deere Iland, who had manifested themselves very desirous & willing to ingage against the enimy, in this distressing time. particurly Capt Daniel Henchman, who was appointed by the Councill, to looke to the Indians at deere Iland & to put them upon Imploy this Gentlemn made motions to the Counciel onse & againe, of his readiness to conduct those Indians against the enimy, Declaring that they had great confydens in God that if they were imployed they might with Gods blessing bee instrumentall to give check to the enimy & turn the allarm testifying that God found them very willing & desirous to serve the country, and leave their parents wives & children under the English powr which would bee rationall security, to the English for their fidelity, But those motions were not accepted at first for Gods time was not yet come for our delivrance, & the Indian Rod had not yet smarted sufficiently, the people generally distrusted those praying indians & were not willing to have any of them Imployed to serve the c\ountry, which was the principall reason why the Councill complyed not with those & former motions, of this natjre, for many of the Council were otherwise opposed enough to it Indeed afterward the motion to Arms & imploy the ch[ris]tian Indians was embraced, & put in practise of which wee shall speake in its proper plase But some other matters previous to it were first done_which I shall not relate.