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75 myself, with writing the extract of Mr Nowell letter confirming the carriage & deportment of those six Indians, this Gentleman was the principall minister of the Army, a pyous & prudent pson person: & is minister of Gods word at Boston in N England, his letter was dated march 26th 1676. Wherin after salutations & givn a particular acct of the motions of the Army, from the time they went forth untill that day; saith hee "I Looke at it as a great "Rebuke of God that wee should miss our enimy so "as wee did when wee were at Menumesse. It wee had "herkened to those six indians, whome wee tooke from "deare Iland, wee might have prevented that error "they have behaved themselves like sober, honest "men since their abode with us, which hath made "mee Looke after them more carfully, at their first "coming to Hadley, the man with them they quartred "allowed them porke & pease enough, but not bread "hee perceivng they had some mony, made them buy "their bread, when they had laid out about 4s 6d "one of them, told mee of it. upon which I spake "to the Genll, who ordered the constable to allow them "bread, & I did give them 4s 6d out of my owne purse "to reimburse what they had expended, And wheras "som have accused Job, for discovering to the "Indians our coming, forth with the Army. I "could easily Demonstrate that it was not posible "for them to goe to Menumese to make any such "Discovery while he was absent from Marlborow "But the circumstances of that story are so many "it would bee to long to comit them to writing "at present. I question not Jobs uprightnes towards "the English & shall make it out if the Lord "bring mee back, hee furthr adds in the "same Letter that the Naticks Indians tooke two "of the enimy, which beeing sullon were slaine "& of their advise for parsuing the enimy which was "not attnded & so that oppertunitie was frustrated "& Severall other passages hee relates of them "Declaring their prudense & fidelity & "courage. Again in an other Letter from