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70 particularly with Joseph Tuckapawillin - minister of the Indian church, late at Hassanamesit & others to meet them in the woods about those parts and Bring with them Jobs three children words crossed out againe to the English in pursuance of this order of the councill Major Savage, did (with the advise and consent of Major Generall Denison who was then at Marlborough in order to dispatch away the army) give liberty to Job, to go alone from Marlborough to the place appointed about Hassannamesit, not about twelve miles distant, to meet his friends & children & to Bring them in to the Army at the rendezvous at Quabauge: Not long after Job was gone from Marlborough, The Captaine afforded hearing of it, made a very great stir at the head quarters, at william wards in Marlborough, where the army was drawn up in a body in order to their march) and spake crossed out words reflecting greatly upon that action of sending away Job. alleging]] that hee would informe the enemy of the Armys motion, and so frustrate the whole designe, this faire pretence was managed in a mutinous manner by others of like temper & spirit, insomuch that the army was under great disquiet, herby the wisdome & prudence not one of Major Savage, but of Major Generall Denison was much reflected upon. But they were faine to calme this storm by gentl means & soft words, & forthwith to send away Capt Wadsworth & Capt Syll who offered themselves with James Quannapohit to follow Job on horse back hoping to overtake him