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68 agreements were made; wherin subjection & mutall protection are ingaged & these Indians as is before declared, made Discouvry of what they knew of the plottings & conspiracy of the enimies, before the warre began. also muct cherfully & readily joyned with & assisted the English in the warre as is before in part touched & wil more closly apeare in the sequel of this discourse also they submited themselves to the laws crossed out of God and the English Govrmnt and crossed out ^desiring themselves & children to bee taught & instructed in the ch[ris]tian Religion & haul in all their points, so farre as I know (for the body of them) kept & prformd the articles of their covenant, above exprssd when the General Court had read and considerd this agreement, It had this effect (through Gods grace) in some degree to abate the clamors of many men against these indians. 1675 Before the Genll Court adjorned which was not until the 28th of February, they had voted & concluded to raise an army of six hundred ^men, To bee put under the Conduct of Major Thomas Savage, as Comander in cheefe; But the major was not willing to undertake the charge, unles hee might have some of the ch[ris]tian Indians, upon Deere Iland to go with him for guides &c for the major being an experienced souldier wel considered the great Nessecity of such helpes, in such undertaking; the Genll Court