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51 Other kindred which induced him to runne this adventure. these and such like fair pretences, took of off much suspicion, and gave them opportunity to inform some select particularly of all the affairs and designs of the enemy. 1675 Upon the 24th day of January James Quannopohit (one of the spyes), returned and was conducted to Major Gookins house, from the falls of Charles River by one Isaacke williams, an english man that lived neare that place this man was friendly to the ch[ris]tian indians. And had curtiosly entertained, lodged and refreshed this our spy the night before for hee was very weary, faint & spent in travaling nearly 80 miles. the snow beeing deepe in the woods he was nescesitated to goe upon Rackets or snow shoes upon the top of the snow which is very tyresome; ^ t ravel; his examination & intelligence beeing written by mahor Gookin, hee went downe with him to the Governor & Counsell the next day, the particulars of his examination are to long heere to bee mentioned & not so pertinant to our designe, though most things hee Related proved true which argued for his fydelity, The mayne matters were that the enimy, quartered in Severall places this winter. Philip & his souldiers, not farr from fort Albany The nipmucks & divers others about mienumesse That they intended, a general Rendevooze in the Spring of the yeare, and then they would prosecute the warre vigourously, against the English, Burnd & destroy the townes,

They heard of the fight betwnd between the English & the Narragansits, & they were joynd that there were messengers, sent (which our spyes were there) from the Narragansetts to the Nipmcks if quarted about memumesse declaring their desire to joyne with then & phity be that the enimy Gloryed much in their number & strength, And that all this wa  their Loss of man was inconsiderable, to be  very high & resolute & expect to carry all befor them crossed out, hee said they lived this winter upon venison, cheefly & upon som corne they had got together before winter, from severall deserted plantations the enimy Coost of their expectation to bee supplyed with armes & Amunition & men

from the french, by the Hunting indians that lived there -