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30 now a covenant through made with Gibionites as a very bindng thing and the breach of it sorely punished by the Lord as may appear in 2 Sam: 21: 1:2:3: A third consideration taken from our lawes which carfully provides for the incouragement & security of the praying indians, see the Law title Indians page 274: A fourth Reason Taken from the many publique Letters & printed papers sent from New England under A stampe of Authoirty both from the Comissioners of the United Colonies to the Honble Corporation at London And from the Generall court declaring the good sucesse of the Gospell among them particularly to mention, only that passage in the Addrese & petition of the Generall Court sitting at Boston in New England, to the high & mighty prince chareles the second And prsented to his most gratious notice February 11th 1660 in page 7 line:25: " Royal Sr if according to our humble petition "and good hope in the God of the spirits of all flesh; "the father of mercies (who comforteth the abject) shall make the permission of that all, "for which wee have & do suffer the loss of all, pretious, yee so - - "pretious in ye sight, as that your Royall hart trmlbd inclined, to show unto us that kindness, of the Lord in your makes protection "of us in these liberties, for which we heither came, and which heither wee have enjoyed, upon Hezekial speaking - - - "comfortably to us as to sons, this orphan shall not continue "fatherless. These churches shall bee comforted in a doore of hope "opened by so signall a pleadge of the lengthening of their tranqully "These poor naked Gentiles, not a few of whome through grace "are come & coming in, shal still see their woonted teachers, with "incouragement of a more plentiful increase of the kingdom "of christ among them, and the blessing of your poore afflicted "(and yet wee hope trusting in God) shall come upon the head & "and hart of that great king, who was sometimes in exile as wee are "With a religious restipulation, of our prayers wee (prostrate "at your royall feet) beg pardon for this our Boldnes craving "fynaly that our names may bee inrolald amongst your majesties "most humble subjects & supplycants

                  John Endecot  Gouvrnour   in the
        name & with the consent of the Genll Court

In this passage wee see what sense the Generall court had in those times of this worke among the chtian Indians. a 5th consideration taken from an act of Parliament to Incourage this worke which is confirmed by our gratious King sinse his happy restoration wherin hee hath by Royall charter made to the right Honorable Corporation residing in London