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19 and fury: against the English and particularly the springfield & norhampton indians who lived neare the English & seemd to cary it faire for a time, but at last proved perfideous and treacherous. But there was not one of them that ever I herd of that was a pretender to chtian religion. This crossed out deffection of those indians:[though some neere the mark have been ready to say that if they were prudently mannaged, as others of their neighbours the mohegins were they might have continued in Amity & beene helpful to the English to this say I. But their deffection at this time had a tendency to exasperate the english against all Indians, that they would admit no crossed out distinction, between one indian & another, forgeting that the scriptures doe record that sundry of crossed out of the heathen in Israels time beeing prosleted proselited to the church proved very faithfull & worthy men; & women as Uriah the Hittite zeleg the Ammonite Ithmah the moabite 1 chron 11 39: 41 : 46 And Rahab, the Harlot & Ruth the mabitses Moabitess & divers others mere woman, But this is no woonder that wicked men yea somtimes Godly men are angrey & displeased with others that feare God, & too readly pass judgment on them that they are hipocrites & naught especially if there bee ocasion given by the falls of any that profes Religion; And because this is a matter of moment I shal now come in order to relate a true story of the sufferings of severall of the chtian Indians about this time which with the circumstances about it & consequences of it, proved a matter of great offense to the english & indians laid a foundation of very much trouble and affliction not only to the "poore" crossed out Indians but But the english also, And was a cause why some of them afterwards were put upon the temptation to bee willing to goe away with the enimy words crossed out Being surprised by the enimy at a remote place where they were gathering their corne & are beeing generaly unarmed; could not defend themselves: & so were nescesitated to comply with the enimy: But of the perticular acct of that matter I shall have ocasion speake Hearafter if God please and therfore shal pass it now

 One the 30th of August one of the captains of the Army (beeing instigated therunto by some people of those parts, no lovers of the chtion indians) sent downe to Boston with a gaurd of souldiers pinioned & fastned with lynes from necke to necke feeftene fifteen of these indians that lived with others of them upon their owne land & in their owne fort at Okonhomesitt neare marlborough in where they were orderly setled & were under the english conduct & frequently improved to scout about that plantation & that to the very great satisfaction & acceptance of many wise & prudent men of the place : & besides they were ready to bee for guides & pilots to our souldiers that pasd that way to the westward: & had been often improved