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icate their brain; for being used to drink water they cannot bear a 1/4th part of what an Eng. m. will bear. I have known one drunk with as little as 1/8th pt of a pint of strong water, + others with a little more than a pint of cider. I do not plead to justify them in such actions, but endeavor to declare things as they are in truth. [?Thus?] I cannot deny but sundry of the Chr. Inds. are not of so good conversation as Chr. relig. requires, which thing is matter of lamentation to all that fear god, not only in respect of those Inds. but of the Eng. also among whom they live. Yet notwthdg. we may not presently exclude them out of visible Christianity but rather endeav'r to convince + reform them, if god please to be instrumental to correct them + turn them to god effectually whilst men do externally attend the means of grace keep ye sabbath, keep in their families morning + evening + endeavour + desire to be instructed in the Chr'n. relig. both themselves + child'n as the pray. Inds. do. There is charitable encourgm't + good hope thro' grace that as god hath wrot effectually upon some so he will upon others in his own time + according to his good pleasure that he hath purposed in himself. I account it my duty not to censure + judge but to pray for them + others. About the latter end of August 1676, an army was sent ag't the east'n enemies with whom Cap. Hunting + his co. of Inds. went, but this army did little ag't the eny. but that wh. was done, was done by our Inds. who slew 2 or