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cause & the Eng. inst. & hath made him very servicable & victorious since, in the war against the enemy. One thing I shall farther mention, that is of remark "able" crossed out before I pass the history of the matter; Joseph Tuckappawillim, minister & pastor of the ch. at Hassanamesit, before spoken of, while he was at Boston, & before he was sent to Deer Island, some persons had compassion on his distressd condition particularly Cap. Nicholas Page (1) & his wife (1) who took him & his childn. & his aged father to their house in Boston & refreshed their bowels with food & other comforts, & milk to preserve ye poor infants life. This poor man was much affected with & thankful for their love. While he was at Cp. Page's, Mr. John Elliot ( his spiritual father in Christ) came to visit him with some others formerly acquainted with him & spake divers words of comfort to him suitable to his condition, divers things were spoken to him & wisely answered by him, which I shall not mention, but one passage I noted being present . Said Joseph to Mr. Elliot, O Sir said he, I am greatly distressd this day on every side, the Eng. have taken away some of my crossed out estate, my corn, cattle, my plough, cart chaire & other goods. The enemy Inds. have also taken a part of what I had, & the wicked Inds. mock & scoff at me, saying, now what is become of our praying to god. The Eng. also censure me & say I am a hypocrite. In this distress I have no where to look but up to god in Heaven

(1) A Colonel in 1689, if he be the same mentioned by Col. Church, Hist. 151, & we presume him to be. He was present at the treaty with the Narragansets in July 1675, & appears as a witness upon that instrument. There was a John of Watertown 1640, & Abraham, Boston 1665.