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98 ( I heard a prudential gentleman our Cap. Brattle of Boston, who was then at Marlbo., (for he heard the people's taunts & threats to them) say that he was ashamed to hear & see what he did of that kind, & if he had been an Ind.^& so abused he should run away as they did. Not long after, this poor Minister Joseph Tuckappawillim, & his aged father Navos a man of about 80 years old, both good chrisns., with three of 4 childn. of the minister's, & Job's 3 childn. were all sent to Boston, where they were kept a night or 2 & then sent to Deer Isld., where god provided a nurse ( among the Inds.) to preserve the life of ye sucking infant, & about 2 months after, his wife (1) was recovered & bro't in, by Tom Dublet(1), one of our messengers to the eny., but his eldest son before mentioned, died after he went away from Marlbo. with his mother con^ceived crossed out to [to have lost] so took his life thro' famine. The other widow, who went away at that time & her daughter were also recovered. This widow Job married afterward, not knowing how better to requite her love showd in nourishing & preferring this 3 childn. when they were among the enemies, & they now lived comfortably together, so that after all the troubles, sorrows, & calamities, this man Job underwent, (as we have before touched ) god gave him all his childn. in safety, & a suitable wife; & vindicated him from all the calumnities & aspersions cast on him & by good demonstrations cleared his integrity & faithfulness to gods

(1) He was very active ib negociating with the Nipmuks. Mrs Rowlandson notices him. In the Bk. Inds. we give his life under the name of Nepemet. See p. 105 onward.