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13 Novr., one of our Chrn. Inds. ( a trusty & faithful man) named Job Kattenanit, who had been preacher at Magunkog; this man having 3 childn. carried away by the enemy from Hassanamesit (he story wherreof is formerly mentioned) himself at that time escaping to the Eng. at Mendon he applied himself to Maj. Gookin desiring of him a pass to go into the woods to seek for his childn. & endeavor to get them out of the enemy's hands, alleging that his affections were so great to his childn. (their mother being dead) & he in a widowed state, was willing to ? his life among the enemy, in order to the the recovery of his childn., ( & possibly said he if god spare my life I may bring you some intelligence of the residence and State of the enemy) which may be very useful to the Eng.) These arguments prevailed with the Maj: ( who had also special order from the Council to endeavour to gain intelligence of the enemy) to grant a pass on certificate to the Said Job crossed out in the words following, "These may certify that the bearer hereof Job of Magunkog is a trusty Indn. & therefore if any Eng. meet him it is desired they will not miss use him but secure him & convey him to the govr. or myself, & they shall be satisfied for their pains dated the 13 day of the 9 mo. 1675 signed Daniel Gookin Sen. The design of this certificate was innocent, and more respected the Inds. safe conduct at his return, then to secure him at his forth going, but it met with hard construction, & the person that had it, with much Sufferings & consequently the projection to gain intelligence of the State of the enemy was frustrated, which was a matter the Eng. greatly needed at this time being inland