
From Newberry Transcribe
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27 There are many sorts of good Herbs for salad; purslam? groweth wild & strawberries everywhere in cleared ground. There is a mighty variety of medicinal herbs. There is plenty of fruits, Cherries, plums Apricocks, Walnuts, Chestnuts, figs, excellent peaches, very good Apples & good quinces &c All Inglish grains: as wheat, Barley oats, grow well. Their worst ground produces Indian Corn, or Maiz, whereof most people make their bread. & Hominee & Mush which is ye comon food of servants & the meaner sort. The Increase of their Indian Corn, is three or 4 hundred for one it is planted on a Hill at some foot distance the increase may be sometimes 5 or 6000 for one. Of one grain there are many stalks; on every stalk there is one or 2 ears or more. On one ear, one or two hundred sometimes six or seven hundred grains. A grain of wheat produces the same increase if it be unkown at a convenient distance to send out many stalks : But the ordinary increase of wheat as it is sown there in the Inglish manner is 15 20 or 30, & sometimes more; And of Barley 30 or 40, sometimes more. Mulberry Trees both black & white grow very well there, and there are many silk worms, that are naturall to ye Countrey. There are diverse sorts of plants & Woods, used by dyers. There is abundance of pitch Tar, Rosin, & Turpentine. There is good stove of Timber for Ships & Building. It produces Flax Hemp Hopps &c Silk-grass growes there naturally, & is not much inferiour to flax, & maybe made better.

(Margin): plumbs are not good in Virginia

+ like unknown pottage or meal & water