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20 Their opinion about A future State. They believe, that Good men after death goe in? a far countrey, where there is no extreme heat, no cold, nor storms, but the air alwayes clear & unclear where they live on ye choisest meats & drinks & the women never grow old. But as to ye Wicked they believe that they wander up & down about their marishes & feed on coarse herbs. They say that ye? horrible wild place to which the wicked are condemned is within sight of ye other, but they can never come to? it, for ye bushes & briars, & swamps & marshes, that are between them and it. They say yt ye wicked after this life are alwayes hungry & thirsty, but have nothing to eat? & drink, but what is raw, As Frogs, flies &c, there being nothing there to dress their Victuals withall.