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Dept of the unclear office of Indian Affairs Nashington W.S. July 1 1887 Unclear unclear. U.S. Indian Agent Amergo? New M. Sir: Refering to Office letter of June 27, 1889 acquantiny you with my recommendation to the dept, in the unclear of the removal of trespassers from the Jicarilla Indian reservation. I now, present <here with > a copy of a letter from the Hon Sec.. of the unclear in the honorable Sec.. of dated June 26, 1889, requestion that instructions may be issued to the proper Military officers to furnish upon request of the special Agent of the Indian Office. ce? sufficient Military force unclear the removal from the said reservation of such other persons who have unclear and attempted to unclear unclear since the unclear of the order of the President of Feb 11."187; also such as may be found holding herds of cattle unclear on said lands for grazing purposes and unclear before it remove after due unclear This not unclear unclear that settlers who unclear upon the lands in good faith unclear unclear unclear port of the public unclear and have made valuable improvements with a unclear to permanent settlement shall be unclear by the order of removal you Will? Observe that the request