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shot- and believed to be dead. and others unclear to have been wounded- unclear bylaws? and two children- and for 50 head of stick Captured. No Camps Destroyed- and a Mexican bay unclear for Indians + returned to his gome near Pirsidio?- del- Norte? - in addition to the valuable knowledge gained of the Country- by the unclear command- all of which was accomplished without injury to unclear of [[unclear] in men- and north only a loss of 20- unclear bossy + unclear- mostly old and inreversable which gave out unclear the March. I left- Black River N. M. May 5th and- proceeded to Fort Davis Texas- unclear at that post on the 9th. Upon my arrival there I expected to order out Cavalry to Eagle Springs- to the points and to put in about one month myself- in unclear throughout the northern part of the District- I found houses that orders had been unclear In the 25th Infantry to unclear to unclear- + this change of troops unclear again changed my plans, and my district after completion of such official