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duty at that post- and compant S' 10th, Cavalry. to Grierson's Springly -to scout the unclear Country - in accordance with instructions [[unclear[[ given. Further Information in regard to the hard work performed by my command during this expedition, which occupied for One month and a half- will be given in the full detailed report here after to be forwarded by Company Commanders. The affindo? mispleasen? to state- that the Offices and men- without exceptions dischargd the important duties assigned them- in a prompt- efficient and highly satisfactory manner. In addition to the work performed at the unclear Agency- disarming + dismanting the Mescahno? Appaches- the- the insult of the expedition briefly unclear is as follows: Distance unclear including the Marches made by unclear complains + detachments- about. 1500. hides. two Indian Chiefs- Killed and and furnished. Three Indians