of the shawl writing, and Mary dressing the other side by the bed. The door into the kitchen is directly back of me and the stove in front of me. It is now ~5:00 a.m. and I have had the door open all evening to air our room and no fire- I attempted to build it but failed- now I have brought coals from the other room and the fire takes a start. I intend to get it large enough to read readily and if I like it will order one for you. I will send it in a circular so you can refund it if you wish. I have money now and Edward had just offered to pay the semiannual int. but I told him to wait- his convenience or keep it till I need. How are you off? How much are we owing Mrs. Huddleston remember the home is ours and
in top margin you and for me. If you have the cyclopedia I e. if this is the same as the other one we got of Griff Jones, Cousins, please give Libbie the other one or