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June 17th - Arrived at Presidio del Norte - or as it is now called Ojinaga - at 10:15 - dist 14 miles. Hot? unclear experienced. Mr. Russell took charge of the ground and boys - while Ni Kelly did the ground for S and myself - went over to him in the evening - and was entertained by Captaincies Moses Kelly - him full of Indians - no companies of Mexican troops hereafter - a pleasant call returned to American soil.

June 18th - Back over our old road in camp one mile beyond Davis Rauche - A heavy rain and wind storm - just at night - dist 40 miles

June 19th - On the road at 7:30. Roads in fair condition. Logan's off leader a little sick. Smither and Logan unclear bed him down with a wagon board and on we went. Took the Stockton road at the forks and at 1:30 reached San Esteban - or Painted Cave - lunched. This cave quite a curiosity - quite a number of Indian sketches painted