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Headquarters District Indian Territory Chief Quartermaster's Office, Fort Gibson, C. N., May 5th 1869

Brevet Major S. S. Woodward Acting Asst Adjutant General Head Qutrs District Ind. Ter.

Major, Respectfully referring to copy of communication from Head Qrs. Dept. Missouri of April 12th 1869, copy of which was furnished this office by Bt. Maj. Genl. B. H. Grierson Commanding Dist. Ind. Territory, as also to Part VII S. O. No. 60 Hd Qrs Dept Mo 1869, I would recommend (in view of the facts contained in said communication and Special Order) that so much of the Contract made with H. E. McKee and Co., for the delivery of 30,000 bushels of Corn and 10,000 bushels of Oats at Fort Gibson CN as remains unfilled, be cancelled. The contract is dated October 22d 1867. Very Respectfully, Your Obedient Servant illegible Bt. Sr. Colonel & A.G.M. USA Chf. Ar. illegible Dist. Ind. Ter.