The grazing excels, on account of the great variety of grasses, anything I have ever seen and in my opinion this pasture land is of great importance to the Indians, for I believe the Comanches, Kiowas will become successful stock raisers long before they will cultivate the soil to any great extent; this has been the case with the semi-civilized tribes farther east.
[crossed out paragraph follows:] The Indians do not like to be confined to the narrow limits of the reserve, they delight to roam the plains unmolested - and if they can only be induced to keep away from the settlements, to entirely cease robbing, plundering and marauding, by allowing more freedom on the unsettled plains to hunt the Buffalo, I think it would be well to give them the additional desired breathing room. The country west of this known as the Panhandle should be thrown into this territory and given to the Indians of this reserve for additional hunting grounds it being of no practical value to Texas and although much of it is barren and worthless, portions will do well for the above purpose.
To control the Indians on this Reservation there should be at least one Reg't of Cavalry stationed here, held at all times intact and used for Military purposes alone. The way to avoid trouble is to let the Indians see that
[crossed out illegible paragraph at bottom of page]
[writing in left margin of the page:] The experiment of raising corn was tried last spring the corn was planted almost entirely by white men (hired) it grew with no further cultivation but within three days after the arrival from the Plains of the Wild Tribes (there being no fences) [crossed out: might have been had some effect] the whole crop was destroyed they eating all they could, their ponies accomplishing the rest. Those who write about the gardens, &c cultivated by Indians are certainly ignorant or willfully misrepresent facts. The Indian never works what little is done is by the squaws. The next generation may be induced the work. The attempt to make these men to labor is about as effectual as to make them not try drink.