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Remsen is quite a place. We sent with Mr. John Williams to Utica for oranges and fresh beef - we have sent with him three times now. the last time-Wednesday- he brought us 4 dozen oranges 35 cents per dozen and 6 1/2 lbs of beef at 14 cents 93 cents for the unclear-his charges for bringing & getting was 20 cents, making his bill $2.53. The time before he got 2 dozen oranges and about the same amount as this of beef and his bill including charges was only $1.75, so oranges are a trifle higher. They are like those you sent in the box, very nice and the girls eat two or three every day. We got fresh eggs and have them once and sometimes oftener and milk the girls normally take a lunch of warm bread and milk just before retiring. We have some nice veal now-we got 4 lbs of Robbie a few days ago, when he butchered, and yesterday we baked a piece. We have beef twice a day baked or fried and nice potatoes sometimes onions, baked apples &c. Our tolman sweets are not quite gone yet. I forgot to mention the smoked beef & pickled peaches. Mr. W. got a week ago box us unclear Mary sent the peaches beef & peaches very nice! Wont you come and board with us? We are very glad you