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it so cheap from this end of the route. It seems however that it will cost no more to stop a night in some hotel than to pay for a sleeper by the way. Wish we had friends that I might visit on the way. If cousin Jennie Hughes were only in Cleveland now! but she is spending the winter with her father at home. I suppose you know cousin Mary A. Roberts is in Utica. I do not know whether she would visit us and Edward if we were at home. She is not well Anna writes and might not venture such a visit now. I think I have felt the cold more since coming here than in all the winter. I sleep up stairs in the north east room with Claire--there is no fire but she is a warm sleep mate. She and little Anna are dear little ones. Anna is especially full of fun and says many quaint things which make the others laugh. She has just come to my side with her grandfather's glasses on. I wonder if you could not find some little books or pictures to send. I did not have time to get much before I started (two little dolls) which I told them were from their aunt Anna. If you could send something to me

in margin It will be nice for you if they stay there. Bushels of love and a hug & a kiss as little Anna says.