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Remsen Dec 18/82 My dear Sister

  It has been about four days since we have had any mail, or sent any letters off - it seems a long time I assure you, but we live in hopes that there will be a rich feast for us when there is a chance to get it from the Post office. It has been storming very hard since yesterday morning, and I suppose we are now quite effectually "stormed in." We do not worry, however, as we have good fires, (three of them part of the time) and keep very comfortable. Robbie will be out of school tomorrow, so I thought I would write, hoping that something will call him to the village, and we can send this by him. 

in margin our letters by him and get some oil. I am quite well and we try to keep cheery tho we feel that we ought to get away from here as soon as possible. We are quite warm and comfortable so far. Love J & A R E write often