Sunday, July 20, 1902 To day has been sunshine and showers all is well - Mrs Henry and her three sons, all went to church and when the church was out the Sunday School begins, and Camille & William, ? went there in their Mothers Carriage - they are very able Little Ones, and very far advanced in their books -, and remarkably intelligent - Camille ? and William Wirt? four - their Mother is a very gifted Woman - and was always called the beautiful Ada Camille Badger. When William Wirt was born - the fifth day she was suddenly seized with Paralysis of the entire left side - she was a great sufferer for a long time - but never acknowledging anything - her general health is very good now - and she can walk alone on a level - and rides out every day - but she always has her nurse with her - who has been with Mr Henry since the birth of her first child who is nineteen, her name is Marie (German girl, her childrens nurse is a fine English girl Letitia? to day Mrs Henry had too young Students live with her boys - from the University - Mrs Henry has four boys, one girl