Mr & Mrs Jackson called - from Chicago.
Monday, July 14, 1902
This has been another perfect day. all of us well, but Nanna - she has a return of her old Whooping Cough from going in the Lake bathing and too much candy. both Edwin and Shrene have have had bad colds since their return home from Europe. at nine O.clock - we had a big electric storm, Shrene was down town - but just escaped the rain. All of us at home today. Sunday afternoon Shrene got a large carriage - and took all the family out for a drive. We declined to go - as we had an engagement at Lake Forest. Mr Wadsworth, and Miss Redding, went too to? drive. Mr & Mrs Jackson called to see Frances. but they missed her - we were sorry - so they went right back to Chicago - Mr Jackson is Partner with Mr Shrene in the Lumber buisness.