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A.C. Badger - gone to Graceland then to Kenilworth. returned at four o.clock


Friday, Sept. 11, 1903

Mrs R.L. Henry gone to a lunch party at Mrs Amery's. It has threatened rain all day, but it has turned so cold, perhaps it won't. at four o.clock, it has cleared up - and the crowds of carriages & Automobiles and Tally-ho's are passing with their horns, blowing this Grand Boulevard is always crowded - on summer days - and crowds of sleighs on winter days, with ? Mrs Henry's large house is beautifully situated on a mound - with the Boulevard on the front, it is a double three story-basement, and attic, it is a corner house with large glass window, beautifully built wood - work fine, Ball room on third floor, parlour floor large Parlour-Music Room - Library & dining room all open into each other - all these rooms very large. and beautifully furnished - many marble figures and green marble pedestals - they brought from Europe, beside many large paintings, all are very beautiful, all their tapestries are fine the grand piano is in good condition, but used a great deal by children, they all play. Mr Badger went to Graceland to see superintendent, Missed him, and had to return second time, then he found him he is going to remove our dead, into the new yard of our,