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The Henry children went to the Circus with Letitia. Mrs R. L. Henry arrived at eleven O.clock from Texas. A. C. Badger -

Wednesday, Sept. 9, 1903

down town - came back to Luncheon. It rained about ten - and after during the day, at five it poured - again at 7 and 8. and now at twelve we have a severe Eletric storm Mrs Henry sent, Winston, Camille William Wirt Henry and Nurse Letitia, to the big Circus of Barnaras?. Mrs Henry went in her carriage alone - down town to bring home her Husbannd - to night at eight O.clock. Mr & Mrs Henry, and Winston, went to their Science Church, in the Carriage - but it poured rain, I sent a postal - to Mrs unclear - My old French girl who lived with me many years, and her Cousin Katherine Umhoff?, she lived with me, a long time, then went back to Europe, another Cousin Louise, lived a long time with Mrs R. L. Henry. Winston Henry, went to the Circus to night, so he had two chances, Mrs Ed Mason has taken a Flat on the North side, on the lower floor, with a garden back and one in front of the house, a short distance from Lincoln Park. near the Ferris Wheel, unclear ave -