Many changes in the house - which will be fine - painting and papering, and a new building of many rooms added and fifty feet added - to the present fifty feet - making a yard, 100 feet. Again we have a good day, the severe storm, cooled the air, again tonight we have a severe electric storm which lasted some time, Mr. ? Angell has been ill at the Hospital with a very large Carbuncle on his neck in the back of the neck. He has had three operations, but is is all right again, and gone to his home on the North Side. His brother Mr. C. W. Angell, has taken the position of general manager for the business of Mr. Ranch Cox (Cooperage, business) and likes it very much, but there is still much to do, and Mr. Ranch Cox, his mother and sister, have been travelling around the world, over a year, still away. Mr. Shreve Badger, and his son Edwin, leave Sunday night, for a trip to ?, Washington State, a lumber region, they expect to have a good time as both are fine travellers, and jolly companions, Mrs. Badger, with her son Shreve-Jr. will remain in to superintend the new addition, to their house in Kemilsworth, which will make it fine.