sent note of congratulations, to Mrs Gilbert Cowan - on birth of son - Gilbert Jr -
Tuesday, July 7, 1903
Again we have a beautiful day, sunshine & cool. all our families are in health, thanks, to a kind, Providence, who has always been beautiful, good and gracious to all our families. this little verse, I like so well, "In gratitude, and praise, to thee, For all the good, thou gives me. I thank thee, Father, Shepherd, Friend, For all the love that thou dost send. Mrs Harvey, Mrs Mason, Mrs A.C. Badger and children of Mrs Masons, all are busy as bees. Mrs Harvey with Mrs Forsberg, and I am writing. I sent a card of congratulations to Mrs Gilbert Cowan, on the birth of her first child, Gilbert - Jr, she and baby doing well. they live in Louisville KY. this afternoon warmer weather is promised us by Prof Cox. Mrs Harvey's garden is beautiful the lot occupies a square of ground, part-flowers, and part for vegetable, which are very fine, many years growing, while Mrs Scannon? was alive, soon this very lovely place, will be torn down, and turned into some grand University building the new Manual Training School is on half the lot.