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called on Mrs Albert Willis & Miss Dulaney at Galt house - Hector Delaney her brother critically ill.

Monday, May 18, 1903

To day is again fine, all well but Mrs Geo Swearingen she has sore-throat. Mr. Badger went to see Mrs Shreve. Mattie Badger took me in her carriage to Mrs Houstons , and I spent the morning with Mrs Shreve. Mattie returned and took me back to my daughter, Ada, S. house to Luncheon, at four o.clock Mrs Shreve came in her carriage and we called on Mrs Albert Willis, and her sister May, they have taken rooms at the Galt house, her brother Hector Dulaney - very critically ill, Mrs Willis has charge of her Fathers Estate, since his death. We then called on Mrs Buchanan, Mrs Dumesnil and Miss Henrietta then we called on Mrs Gilbert Cowan Mrs Swearingen, and George out in the garden planting flowers. Mr Swearingen, Ada and Miss Clark, all gone to a ? supper at Jacobs Park.