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note top left: Jack Aug 4 Monday Aug 3rd 1874. Last night it poured rain and this morning the ocean was wild with rage. The New York party went away from our hotel about six and it woke me. After breakfast we all went down to the Beach. It looked much changed. The storm had thrown up a quantity of sand and the Beach was smooth and lovely to walk on. but the surf was high so was the wind we could not stay very long. We spent part of our day in the house writing. the rest on the porch. after dinner this afternoon we walked again to the Beach and another change had taken place. The sand was washed away after the tide went out and the rocks were exposed and sea weed and jelly fish was thrown up in abundance. One large skate fish was on the sand and many star fish. We had many letters from home. one from Lake Forest from Belle and one from Ada who is at Lake Forest. One from Chicago from Mr. Badger. all of us well. and much sun burnt. Teusday Aug 4th 1874. Today has been another perfect day, all of us well , we walked to the Beach early today to see the high surf, it is not cold like yesterday. all our young people except Adele & Hunt all went to the observatory to see over the country and took a sail on the Lake and picked fern leaves. At three all went in bathing and our party David James and Lizzie all went in. we went down to see them. after supper we played games in the Parlour. and we had the new arrivals. I had letters from Mr. Badger. My children gave away last week all their white mice.and now they have given away my pet monkey Jack. to Mrs Locke the Ministers wife. Wednesday Aug 5 1874. Again another perfect day, all of us well, after breakfast we all went with Dr. Hulsee to see the Beach way up to the fish houses, the walk was a long one but we all enjoyed it and got home by twelve O.clock all with a good appetite. I rode in the carriage to the fish houses it was a nice ride, this afternoon all played Croquet. after tea we all went strikeout into the Parlour and played games. Thursday Aug 6th 1874 This has been another perfect day. all of us in health. after breakfast David and Mattie went to Yarmouth to make some purchases. We all went to the Beach to see Mattie Belle bathe,she enjoyed it and splashed about in the water, after tea we all went strikeoutin the parlour and played, no letters to day.