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Thursday June 18- 1874. To day is beautiful all well.. Ada gone to Field & Leiter Mrs. Loomis called so did Mrs Shreve, Miss Fotte, Mrs E.A. Otis Dr & Mrs Locke, Mrs Bruce, Mrs Harvey and baby. to night is Blanche Hanford,s party. Sheridan & Shreve went and baby Hunt sent his regret. Ada and my sisters children with George Meeker to hear the graduating class at the Dearborn Seminary but they had the performances at the church of the Messiah. Friday June 19. Another bright warm day. all well. Belle called to invite us to her house to a party. James gone down town for his Ma Ada gone to take her music lesson, after lunch I went to Belle,s house and took herbaby to drive. at six O.clock Mr. Badger, Ada and myself all went to Belle,s to a tea party stayed until 12 O.clock, it was a Musical party. Miss Bruinard sings and plays beautiful, Then Ada Badger sung. We had a very pleasant evening. Miss Hill Col Brown. Mr & Mrs George Otis. Miss Faulds and brother were also there. they had a splendid supper. Saturday June 20 Another warm and sunny day. all well. Shreve gone down town driving his Father. Sheridan playing base ball. Ada dont feel well to day. after lunch Belle & Mr Harvey called for Mr Badger Mattie Belle, Ada & Hunt all well went to supper, then took strikeout all to drive in his Dog Cart. We went on the Boulevard and found it crowded with vehicles. enjoyed our ride very much came home late, Shreve and Jamie were in the Buggy and Sheridan was strikeout his Pony. Sunday June 21st 1874. To day is very warm, all well, none of us went to church at lunch we were surprised by Belle, Mattie and the baby coming in, they stayed untill four. then went home. To night George Meeker and Walter Gumm called to see Ada